Monday, January 26, 2009

back-words... more poetry to share...

Monday, September 11, 2006
more poetry to share...
its been a while since my last post and i figured it was overdue for a new post. so here are some poems since i havent written in a long time. enjoy...


if i could…

i would escape from sadness and hate, from negativity, from life and responsibility, from being strong and courageous...

i would like to find purity, where love and laughter translate to happiness, where misunderstanding no longer exists because communication transcends thought and understanding would be complete.

i would avoid pettiness from jealousy and envy because it brings me a frown.

i would like to find a girl who doesnt care about sex, who wanted love first and foremost, someone i wouldnt have to worry about letting down like that...

i would live in a world free of disappointment and heartbreak, where happy endings were common place.

i would find you and make your heart happy.


craving comfort

i am having a weak night;
there is too much dying and sorrow.
it brings out my weaknesses and rubs them in salt.
it sounds like an old diary, a diary that is my soul
and these are words born from the soul…


with all my heart

to the end of time
at the end of the rainbow
where light cant shine
in the midst of chaos
during pure bliss
through all sorrow
i regret i wasnt enough
i couldnt keep you
i tried so hard
you i shall forever miss
you i shall forever love…

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