Wednesday, February 11, 2009


*** this is probably the only other time i have made any attempt at international socio-political commentary. it is a reply to something posted in the china digital times ( i would rather not be in a position to speak of things particularly close to my heart as i don't like getting involved in situations where i have to defend those beliefs from those who disagree. i should also add that this probably should have been posted with the back-words series, but it slipped through the cracks as it is nor a blog, but rather a public posting.

i personally do not make any demands nor have any expectations of china or its people. however, it seems to me this is a world of extremes and china is living those extremes to one degree or the other. one does not need to live life to an extreme in order to be happy or successful. one can truly find contentment balanced within a happy medium. somewhere in the middle, most people, businesses, and countries find a mutually beneficial success.
i think china is a wondrous land, full of beauty. years ago, i was lucky to find friendship in a chinese girl. we have been pen pals on and off the internet for over five years and she is a very special person to me. if i could choose a future with someone, it would be with her. unfortunately, she lives in china and i live in the usa and aside from the physical distance between us, i do not feel i would have the same opportunities and freedom in china if i were to live there. unfortunately, she does not want to leave china, as she is already a long way from her family and does not want to be any further from them. i cannot blame her for feeling that way; family is very important and i have similar concerns.
is it possible china could change enough for a person such as myself to feel comfortable with living there? would i ever feel comfortable expressing my thoughts and living a life the way i choose under such a tightly controlled superpower? anything is possible, but such a change from china is not probable and it disheartens me. however, one can only hope that some day, all nations can see a little more eye to eye on level ground.
By djsquelch | April 14th, 2008 at 4:37 pm

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